Support Home Free Haven

Supporting Home Free Haven makes a significant impact on the lives of our unhoused and underserved neighbors in the Shoals Area while also contributing to growth and engagement in our communities.

Churches, businesses, and other organizations have the ability to play unique roles in the foundation and long-term successes of Home Free Haven by offering support in any number of ways.

Below is a partial list of ways businesses and organizations can contribute:


**Financial Donations**: Providing monetary support to help cover operational costs, such as food, supplies, transportation costs, sheriff’s deputies, insurance coverages, etc.

**Space and Facilities**: Donating or providing access to unused or underutilized space, facilities, or resources, such as meeting rooms, storage space, or transportation services, as well as utilizing facilities to host Home Free Haven guests.

**In-kind Donations**: Offering goods and services, such as clothing, bedding, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and office supplies.

**Volunteer Programs**: Encouraging employees to volunteer their time with Home Free Haven, whether it’s serving meals, organizing donations, providing professional services (like legal or medical assistance), or mentoring residents.

**Corporate Sponsorship**: Establishing ongoing partnerships with Home Free Haven through sponsorship opportunities for events, programs, or specific initiatives.

**Fundraising Events**: Hosting fundraisers, charity drives, or donation matching campaigns within the company to raise awareness and funds.

**Skill-based Support**: Offering pro bono services or expertise from employees, such as marketing, IT support, legal advice, or counseling services.

**Employment Opportunities**: Collaborating with Home Free Haven to create job training programs, internships, or employment opportunities for residents, helping them gain valuable skills and transition to stable employment.

**Educational Workshops**: Hosting workshops or seminars on topics like financial literacy, job readiness, health and wellness, or life skills to empower Home Free Haven guests.

**Advocacy and Awareness**: Using their platform to raise awareness about homelessness issues, advocate for policy changes, or support initiatives aimed at addressing the root causes of homelessness.

**Community Engagement**: Organizing community outreach events, collaborative projects, or awareness campaigns to foster empathy and support for the unhoused and underserved population.

**Grant Writing Assistance**: Assisting Home Free Haven with grant writing, fundraising strategies, or connecting with grant opportunities from foundations or government agencies.

**Employee Matching Programs**: Implementing employee donation matching programs to encourage individual contributions and maximize the impact of charitable giving.

**Long-term Commitment**: Making a sustained commitment to support Home Free Haven over time, rather than one-time contributions, to ensure stability and continuity of services.

By engaging in these various ways, churches, businesses, and organizations can play a vital role in supporting Home Free Haven and our compassion driven mission to provide shelter, support, and hope to the unhoused and underserved population of the Shoals Area.